So I few weeks ago I read an article about how in just a few short decades the majority of the population in the United States will be Latino. I thought that was pretty hilarious but I what I found even funnier was a comment that some guy posted in response to the article. He claims that it's happening much faster but that the government doesn't want you to know. Damn! I guess the secret is out.
What is also interesting, is that immigrants are also taking over European countries and will also soon outnumber the "natives". This begs the question: how long will it take until immigrants wipe out those darn white people? I don't know but I suspect that the dude who made that comment is certain that it is imminent and that we are going to launch a genocide of the white people. Then again we can just try to breed them out. I mean honestly, how else do you explain all these multiracial people running around? Yes...that must be our evil plan.
But seriously, in this ever changing , ever globalizing world, how do you hold on to your culture? Are you still Mexican, Indian, Ethiopian, Palestinian, German if you are one or two or three generations removed from your family's point of origin? I met a guy, recently, who is genetically Korean but who does not identify as Korean but rather as "main stream". I have no idea what that means but I suspect that like many children or grandchildren of immigrants, he does not feel comfortable identifying with a culture that he is so far removed from.
Now the guy who made the comment about how the Latinos are taking over the country was probably a dude who is very far removed from his culture or cultures of origin. Maybe his family was originally from Ireland but now he identifies as white or maybe his family was originally from India and now doesn't know how to identify himself. So what I want to know is this: are Latinos really taking over the country or is it an entirely different type of people--people who were originally Mexican, Guatemalan, Colombian, etc., but who will eventually become "white" or "mainstream"?